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Astray: A Forsaken Tale is a first-person stealth dark fantasy/horror game. The princess Bridgitte de L’ancienne’s very home has fallen prey to an evil she can scarcely fathom. Her once loyal servants now roam the halls as creatures unheard of, hell-bent upon her immediate capture. Powerless to fight back, creep through the shadows and slip into crevices as you traverse the infested castle to find Bridgitte’s parents. Uncover the mystery behind the malevolent force that has engulfed her life within this living nightmare.


Astray was the Senior Capstone project for my class at Columbia.  I served as Character and Environment Sublead for this project.  I concepted and modeled several of the characters and environment pieces and also helped direct other members of the Art team in making their own assets (art direction, technical aspects, etc.).


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